Healthcare, without

the headaches.

Request a Call

Dr. Manuel Vogt of SADPC Alamo Heights is a board-certified family physician with the skills and resources to take care of your health needs. As a patient at SADPC Alamo Heights, you pay your doctor directly just like you pay a gym membership. Go beyond the limitations of the insurance-driven world and pay for care directly; insurance does not dictate how we provide care. 

Our core care


At SADPC Alamo Heights, we believe that a personalized, supportive doctor-patient relationship is the foundation for optimal care. Learn more about the Direct Primary Care services we offer.

Chronic care

From hypertension and diabetes, to asthma, depression, and other common conditions.

Family care

Healthy lifestyle changes and attendance to acute and chronic health issues. 


Comprehensive discussion and coordination of preventative health such as colonoscopies, mammograms etc. as well as yearly physicals.

65+ care

Quality care, support, and advocacy for our senior patients.

Join the Family
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